About Us
A Journey Home
We believe the story of your home becomes the story of your life. From the moment you cross the threshold and start placing a pillow here, an accent there, you’re creating a space for everything—from the memorable to the mundane—that gives life texture. When done thoughtfully, the sense of place you create becomes forever interwoven with a sense of you.
This love of texture is why I’ve always had a love affair with textiles. As a child there was nothing more exciting than rifling through my mom’s sewing remnants and getting my hands on fabrics: cottons, knits, quilting calicos, muslin. I’d tag along for trips to the fabric store, dreaming of what I might create from a sea of felts, wools, and twills.
During my years as a furniture buyer and decorating consultant, I developed relationships with clients who trusted me to create spaces that suited their families and lifestyles. I’d pull from my life-long experience as a creator to choose finishes, plan spaces, select furniture, and make everything come together down to the last detail, like pillows.
But it was always fabrics that spoke to me the most. The gorgeous prints. The “hand” of the cloth. The natural materials like linen and cotton that contain generations’ worth of craftsmanship and tradition. There’s nothing that connects people, bridging the past and present, quite like a handwoven textile or a block printed linen. Its creation is a slow process that in turn, helps us slow down and appreciate the artistry all around us.
At Maquette, we seek out the kind of timeless textiles that become embedded in your story for years. By sourcing fabrics from small shops in India, Latvia, Thailand, United Kingdom and the US, we support artists and honor their traditional craftsmanship. We hope the artistry and quality evident in each thread will inspire you to become comfortable creating and exploring your own spaces. May the journey decorating bring you closer home.
~Chris Carlisle, Founder of Maquette